


Atrazine 50% WP


ATRACIS is a herbicide of the triazine group use for pre-emergence and post-emergence control of a wide spectrum of annual grass and broad leaf weeds. It is more soluble and less affected by dry weather.

Mode Of Action

Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed principally through the rootsbut also through the foliage, with translocation acropetally in the xylem and accumulation in the apical meristems and leaves.


pack size

250 g, 500 g.

Features & Benifits
  • A selective systemic pre and post-emergence herbicide.
  • It is used to control annual grass as well as broad leave weeds.
  • It is absorbed principally through the roots & foliage.
  • It inhibits photosynthesis and interferes with other enzymatic activities.
  • It is used in combination with other herbicides.
CROP Common name of the pest Dosage/Hectare Waiting period in days
Active Ingredient (g) Formulation (g/ml) Water dilution (lt)
Sugarcane Digitaria spp., Boerhavia diffusa, Euphorbia spp., Tribulus terrestris, Portulaca oleracea 0.50-2kg 1.00-4.00kg 500-700L -
Maize Trianthama monogyna, Digera arvensis , Echinochloa spp Eleusine Spp. Xanthium strumarium Brachiaria sp, Digitaria sp, Amaranthus viridis , Cleome viscose, Polygonum spp. 0.5-1kg 1-2kg 500-700L -